1. Disconnect the negative battery cable. Refer to Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and Connection (w/Single Battery ) or Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and Connection (w/Auxilian Battery) or Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and Connection (w/Dual Batteries).
2. Remove the cooling fan and shroud. Refer to Cooling Fan and Shroud Replacement (Non-HP2) .
3. Remove the drive belt. Refer to Drive Belt Replacement.
4. If equipped, remove the auxiliary generator. Refer to Auxiliary Generator Replacement (6.6L) .
5. If equipped with dual generators, remove the bolt from the left side idler pulley (smooth pulley).
6. Remove the idler pulley.
7. Disconnect the air conditioning (A/C) compressor clutch electrical connector.
8. Disconnect the A/C cut out switch electrical connector.
9. Remove the A/C compressor bolts.
10. Move the A/C compressor with the hoses attached to the right side o f the engine compartment.
11. Remove the positive cable junction block to power steering pump bolt (1).
12. Secure the junction block out o f the way.
13. Remove the rear power steering pump bracket bolts (1).
14. Remove the power steering pump front bracket bolt.
15. Move and secure the power steering pump out o f the way. The hoses and battery cables can remain attach to pump.
16. Remove the A/C compressor and power steering pump bracket bolts.
17. Remove the A/C compressor and power steering pump bracket.