Home » John Deere » 1025R » 1023E, 1025R and 1026R – Remove, Inspect, and Install Idler Gear

1023E, 1025R and 1026R – Remove, Inspect, and Install Idler Gear

[1] – Check backlash of timing gears. (See Check Timing Gear Backlash in Section 220, Group 15.)

[2] –

Rotate crankshaft and align timing marks.

[3] –

Mark position of idler gear shaft (B) to make sure it is installed in the exact same position.

Remove three cap screws (A), shaft (B) and idler gear (C).

[4] – Inspect all parts for wear or damage.

a. Inspect gear for chipped or broken teeth. Replace if necessary.



Measure idler gear bushing diameter. If bushing diameter exceeds wear limit, replace bushing. If bushing oil clearance (bushing ID minus shaft OD) exceeds specification, replace bushing, shaft or both.

d. If necessary, replace bushing using a driver set. Align oil holes in bushing and idler gear. Install bushing flush with surface of idler gear.

[5] – Install idler gear in the reverse order of removal.
a. Install idler gear with all timing Marks aligned.
b. Make sure idler gear shaft Marks align to oil holes (C) when shaft is installed.
c. Tighten cap screws to specifications.