1. Install timing chain tensioner (2). 2. Install timing chain (Refer to 9 – ENGINENALVE TIMINGITIMING BELT/CHAIN AND SPROCKETS – INSTALLATION).
Category: 5.7 Hemi
1. Remove timing chain (Refer to 9 – ENGINENALVE TIMING/TIMING BELT/CHAIN AND SPROCKETS- REMOVAL). 2. Remove timing chain tensioner (2).
The timing chain tensioner is a stamped steel constant tension mechanical design. It is mounted to the front of the engine, behind the timing chain…
1. If tensioner (1) assembly is being replaced. install tensioner and mounting bolts. Tighten bolts to 28 N·m (250 in. Ibs.). 2. Retract tensioner (2)…
1. Disconnect battery negative cable. 2. Drain cooling system. 3. Remove liming Chain Cover (1). 4. Re-install the vibration damper bolt finger tight. Using a…
1. Clean timing chain cover and block surface. NOTE: Always install a new gasket on timing cover. 2. Verify that the slide bushings (1) are…
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable. 2. Remove the engine cover. 3. Remove air cleaner assembly. 4. Drain cooling system. 5. Remove accessory drive belt.…
1. Install manifold gasket and manifold. 2. Install manifold bolts and tighten using sequence provided to 25 N·m (18 ft. Ibs.). 3. Install heat shield…
Inspect manifold for cracks. Inspect mating surfaces of manifold for flatness with a straight edge. Gasket surfaces must be flat within 0.2 mm per 300…
1. Disconnect negative battery cable. 2. Raise vehicle. 3. Remove exhaust pipe to manifold bolts. 4. Lower vehicle. 5. Install engine support fixture special tool…