Home » International DT466 » International DT466 – ENGINE SYMPTOMS DIAGNOSTICS – Air Compressor Leak Test

International DT466 – ENGINE SYMPTOMS DIAGNOSTICS – Air Compressor Leak Test

1. Drain coolant from the system.

2. Remove the coolant inlet and outlet hoses for the air compressor from the crankcase.
3. Fill air compressor coolant passage and hoses with coolant.
4. Adapt air pressure fitting and regulator to one of the coolant hoses and block opposite hose.
5. Pressurize air compressor coolant hoses to 96 kPa (14 psi).
6. Inspect for coolant leakage from oil drain-back hose or left side of front cover. Listen for air escaping.
• If a leak is noticed, repair or replace the air compressor.
• If coolant is not leaking, do “Front Cover Inspection” (page 111).
7. Test the cooling system again after any repair to validate the repair.