Home » OM 617 » OM 617 – Measurement of oil consumption

OM 617 – Measurement of oil consumption

The oil consumption can be measured using the oil dipstick with the millimeter scale as well as the accompanying diagram on the back of the recording chart.
Since there are two different oil dipsticks and different recording charts, please note the following points:
Oil dipstick as per part No. 110 589 11 21 00 (blue handle) is only to be used for engine having an oil dipstick tube without an oil removal connection, and oil dipstick as per part No. 11 5 589 15 21 00 (red handle) only for engines having an oil dipstick tube designed for oil removal.

Oil dipstick tube without oil removal connection

Recording charts for engines without oil removal connection (oil dipstick with blue handle)

Oil dipstick tube with oil removal connection

Recording charts for engines with oil removal connec tion (oil dipstick with red handle)
GermanIEnglish, publication No. 800 99 402 00
French/Spanish, publication No. 800 99 402 01
The recording charts that go with each particular type of oil dipstick can be identified by the engine designations a t the top of the recording chart.

For engine models 616, 61 7 in type 115.1 and model 61 7 in type 123.1, it is necessary to f i t the check valve between the air-cooled oil cooler and upper oil hose so that the oil will not run back out of the oil cooler during the measurement.

Should the check valve not fit for lack of space, it is to be inserted with the aid of a pipe bend and connecting pipe.

View showing engine 617

Prior to measuring consumption, remember to vent air-cooled oil cooler.

To do so, clip two transparent plastic hoses onto the vent plugs attached to the check valve. Remove filler cap from valve cover and push both hoses into the filler hole.

To avoid oil ejection you are recommended to use a filler cap having two holes (outside diameter of hoses).
The procedure needed for the consumption measurement i s described on the front of the recording chart. In order to avoid incorrect readings, check engine oil for fuel dilution prior to commencing.


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