Install orificed diagnostic fuel line, Part Number 3164621, onto the Compuchek™ fitting at the outlet to the fuel pump gear pump.
The orificed diagnostic fuel line is used in procedures to create rated flow through the low pressure fuel system without the need to operate the engine under load.
Obtain a container suitable for collection of fuel that exits the diagnostic fuel line. A 19 liter [5 gal] bucket is recommended.
Obtain banjo test fitting, Part Number 4919057, and install a 1/8 inch NPT Compuchek™ fitting, Part Number 3042618 or equivalent, into the banjo test fitting.
Remove the banjo fitting from the gear pump inlet and install the banjo test fitting.
Attach a 0 to 762 mm-Hg [0 to 30 in-Hg] vacuum gauge to the banjo test fitting at the gear pump inlet.
NOTE: Measurements taken while the fuel lift pump is running will be inaccurate. Wait until the lift pump has completed its cycle before measuring the fuel inlet restriction.