Home » ISX11.9 CM2250 - Service Manual » Cummins ISX11.9 CM2250 – Service Manual 019-266   Cab Switchable Governor Switch

Cummins ISX11.9 CM2250 – Service Manual 019-266   Cab Switchable Governor Switch

General Information


The cab switchable governor switch selects between variable speed (VS) and automotive accelerator governors. Governor selection often occurs while changing operation modes: for example, between cab accelerator and remote accelerator. When the OEM enables the switchable accelerator type of feature, the automotive or VS governing feature uses the accelerator governor switch.

The accelerator governor switch has two positions: ALTERNATE and PROGRAMMABLE. The PROGRAMMABLE position allows the accelerator-type parameter, VS or automotive, to choose the governor. The ALTERNATE position chooses the opposite governor from that selected by the accelerator-type parameter.


Resistance Check


If INSITE™ electronic service tool is available, monitor the switch for proper operation. If
not, follow the following procedure.

Locate the switch. Disconnect the connectors and label the wires. Touch a multimeter probe to each switch terminal and measure the resistance with the switch set to both positions.

The multimeter
must show a value of 100k ohms or more (open circuit) while the switch is in one position and a value of 10 ohms or less (closed circuit) in the other position.

If the switch does
not transition from an open to a closed circuit when flipped from one position to the other, the switch is defective. Replace the switch. Refer to the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) troubleshooting and repair manual.


Check for Short Circuit to Ground


Locate the switch. Disconnect the connectors and label the wires. Touch one of the multimeter probes to one of the switch terminals and touch the other multimeter to engine block ground. Move the switch from one position to the other.

The multimeter
must show a value of 100k ohms or more (open circuit) with the switch in both positions. If the switch does not show an open circuit, the switch is defective. Replace the switch. Refer to the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) troubleshooting and repair manual.

Last Modified:  30-May-2008