1. Install the oil cooler adapter with gaskets to the oil cooler.
NOTE: Refer to Fastener Notice.
2. Install the oil cooler adapter to oil cooler bolts.
Tighten: Tighten the oil cooler adapter to oil cooler bolts to 21 N.m (15 lb it).
3. Apply a 2-3 mm wide by 0.5-1.5 mm high bead of GM P/N 12378521 (Canadian P/N 88901148) sealant to the engine block mating surface.
4. Install the flywheel housing to the cylinder block.
5. Install the flywheel housing bolts.
Tighten: Tighten the flywheel housing bolts to 80 N.m (60 lb ft)
6. Install a new gasket to the turbocharger oil return pipe.
7. Install the turbocharger oil return pipe to flywheel housing studs.
Tighten: Tighten the turbocharger oil return pipe to flywheel housing studs to 10 N.m (89 lb in).
8. Install the turbocharger oil return pipe nuts.
Tighten: Tighten the turbocharger oil return pipe nuts to 25 N.m (18 lb ft).