To reduce the possibility of personal injury, avoid direct contact of hot oil with your skin.
Use this procedure for engines with plugged oil filters coming into the repair location with one of the following complaints:
Amber dash lamp caused by multiple counts of active or inactive Fault Code 143 (Engine Oil Rifle Pressure – Data Valid but Below Normal Operating Range – Moderately Severe Level).
Progressive drop of oil pressure on the dash gauge.
The technician must follow the appropriate troubleshooting trees for the symptoms that exist.
A plugged oil filter can be detected by taking the proper oil pressure measurements. The oil pressure of an engine with a plugged filter will be elevated before the filter and low after the filter. A large pressure drop, greater than 172 kPa [25 psid] across the oil filter, will distinguish this issue from other issues that cause Fault Code 143, such as an oil sensor or lube pump malfunction.