Home » OM 617 » OM 617 – Replacing vacuum box on injection pump

OM 617 – Replacing vacuum box on injection pump

On injection pumps with mechanical or automatic altitude adjusting box do not unscrew upper governor cover, since otherwise an adjustment of the altitude box on injection pump test bench would be required.

A. MW-injection pump in model 1 15.1
1.  Unscrew rear governor cover and swivel sideways, so that the connecting rod disengages from control rod.
2. Unscrew vacuum box from governor cover. Two screws are inserted from inside and one from outside.

3. Remove upper governor cover.
4. Screw vacuum box with new gasket and new copper sealing ring to governor cover.

5. Mount rear governor cover with new gasket. Make sure that the connecting rod of the vacuum box engages in control rod (check through opening of upper governor cover).
6. Mount upper governor cover with new gasket.

B. MW-injection pump in model 123.1
1. Unscrew lower righthand fastening screw (arrow).

2. Check position of control rod. Push guide lever on cylinder head cover to stop while measuring position of control rod. For this purpose, insert plug gauge through bore against control rod and mark position of plug gauge.

On injection pumps with automatic altitude adjusting box the position of the control rod cannot be checked by means of a plug gauge. Since the plug gauge will not make contact with control rod but with rocker of altitude adjusting box.
3. Remove vacuum box after loosening the three fastening screws.

4. Screw vacuum box with two new gaskets ( 1 ) to governor cover.
Make sure that the connecting rod of the vacuum box engages in control rod.

1. Gasket
2. Steel ring

5. To make sure, subsequently check control rod position once again as described in item 2. The mark
on plug gauge should again be in alignment.

C. M/RSF-injection pump in model 123.1
1. Unscrew both fastening screws.
2. Slightly raise vacuum box, tilt toward the rear in direction of engine and remove.

3. Check O-ring for damage and replace, if required.
4. Push emergency stop lever (arrow) to stop and engage connecting rod of vacuum box in rocker of
emergency stop lever.
5. Mount fastening screws while paying attention to correct seat of fastening plates.



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