NOTE: Cummins Inc. recommends replacing the thrust bearings when the main bearings are replaced. Refer to Procedure 001-007 in Section 1.
If the crankshaft is not going to be removed, replace the main bearings one at a time.
Loosen the main bearing cap capscrews..
Use the main bearing cap puller, Part Number ST-1178, to remove the cap.
The tool must be centered on the cap. Pull straight down to remove the cap.
Remove the main bearing capscrews and cap.
Remove the lower main bearing shell from the cap.
Mark the bearing shell with the letter “L” and the journal number from which it was removed.
To remove the upper main bearing shell, install the bearing rollout tool, Part Number 3823818, into the oil drilling in the main bearing journal.
Remove the tang side (1) of the main bearing shell first.
Last Modified: 11-May-2010