To reduce the possibility of engine damage, the connecting rod testing fixture must be calibrated prior to testing the connecting rod.
Install the appropriate mandrel in the piston pin end of the connecting rod.
Make sure the locating pin in the mandrel for the crank pin end is touching the connecting rod cap, directly opposite the beam of the connecting rod.
Install the mandrel in the crank pin bore of the master connecting rod.
Tighten the mandrel so it is centered in the bore.
Install the master connecting rod in the testing fixture.
Loosen the knob and move the indicator bracket until both indicators touch the top of the piston pin end mandrel. Move the bracket toward the mandrel until the indicator needles have moved approximately 0.25 mm [0.010 in]. Turn the knob to tighten the bracket.
Adjust the indicator needles to zero. Move the master connecting rod in and out to confirm the zero setting.
Remove the master connecting rod from the fixture.
Rotate the connecting rod 180 degrees horizontally and install it in the checking fixture.
Record the indicator reading. The difference calibrated “0” of the indicator must be added or subtracted from the known length of the master connecting rod to determine the length of the connecting rod being measured.
Connecting Rod Length
mm |
in |
244.95 |
9.644 |
245.05 |
9.648 |
If the connecting rod length is not within specifications, the connecting rod must be replaced.