Home » 5.7 Hemi » 5.7 Hemi – DAMPER – CRANKSHAFT – INSTALLATION


CAUTION: To prevent severe damage to the Crankshaft, Damper or Damper Installer 8S12-A, thoroughly clean the damper bore and the crankshaft nose before installing Damper.
1. Slide damper onto crankshaft slightly.
CAUTION: Special Tool 8512-A, is assembled in a specific sequence. Failure to assemble this tool in this sequence can result In tool failure and severe damage to either the tool or the crankshaft.
2. Assemble Damper Installer 8512-A as follows, thread nut (2) onto the bolt (3) then install the roller bearing (1)            followed by the hardened washer (5) slides onto the threaded rod (3). Once assembled coat the threaded rod’s              threads with Mopar® Nickel Anti-Seize (or equivalent).

3. Using Damper Installer 8512-A, press damper onto crankshaft.
4. Install then tighten crankshaft damper bolt to 176 N·m (129 ft. Ibs.).
5. Install radiator upper hose.
6. Install accessory drive belt (Refer to 7 – COOLING/ACCESSORY DRIVE/DRIVE BELTS – INSTALLATION).
7. Refill cooling system (Refer to 7 – COOLING – STANDARD PROCEDURE).
8. Connect negative cable to battery.