Home » 6.7L Cummins » 6.7L Cummins Cooling System – Fan Hub, Belt Driven – Clean and Inspect for Reuse

6.7L Cummins Cooling System – Fan Hub, Belt Driven – Clean and Inspect for Reuse

Clean the fan hub and fan pulley with solvent.
Dry with compressed air.

Inspect the fan hub for indications of oil seal leakage.
Inspect the fan hub for cracks or other damage.
Inspect the fan hub chamfer and pulley mating surface for damage.
Replace the fan hub if damage is found .

Turn the fan hub by hand to check for freedom of rotation .
The fan hub must spin freely without any wobble or excessive end clearance.

Inspect the fan hub bearing for wear.
The bearing must have a minimal amount of side-to-side or end-play movement.
Replace the fan hub if the end play is out of specification.

NOTE: Some fan hub assemblies can be rebuilt with new bearings and related components. Check for part
availability before disassembling the fan hub.