Lubricate new o-rings with vegetable oil, and install on the oil cooler core transfer tubes.
Install the oil cooler core on the oil cooler transfer connection (housing) by inserting the transfer tubes into the
o-ring adapters.
NOTE: Make sure the o-ring adapters move freely when the transfer tubes are inserted as this will allow tubes to be
centered in the adapters.
Install the oil cooler core mounting gaskets and hold down capscrews.
Tighten the hold down capscrews.
Torque Value: 27 N•m [20 ft-lb]
Alternately tighten the o-ring adapter retainer capscrews.
Torque Value: 47 N•m [35 ft-lb]
Install a new o-ring on the coolant filter shutoff valve.
Lubricate the o-ring with Lubriplateா 105 or equivalent, and install the shutoff valve in the filter head.
Install the retaining capscrew and washer.
Torque Value: 20 N•m [15 ft-lb]
Turn the valve to the ‘‘ON’’ position.
The valve is in the ‘‘ON’’ position when the valve is in the vertical position.
Install the oil cooler filter head, gasket, washers, and filter head 12 point capscrews.
Torque Value: 20 N•m [15 ft-lb]