The Engine Shutoff (ESO) solenoid is located on the injection pump (figure 5-30). When the ignition switch is “OFF,” the ESO solenoid is in the “No Fuel” position. It prevents fuel from entering the injection pump. At ignition startup, the PCM provides a ground for the solenoid. This pulls the ESO pintle upward, allowing fuel into the pump.
ESO Solenoid Circuit Operation
The Engine Shutoff (ESO) solenoid receives power from the ignition switch on CKT 339 (figure 5-31). By providing a ground path on CKT 981, the PCM energizes the solenoid, which then allows fuel to pass into the injection pump.
DTC 13 — “ E ngine S h u to ff (ESO) S o le n o id C irc u it F a ult”
DTC 13 sets when the PCM commands the engine shutoff solenoid “ON” (i.e. fuel flow to the pump), but doesn’t see ignition voltage on terminal E16. DTC 13 will result in a no start condition as a result of the deenergized ESO solenoid preventing fuel from entering the injection pump.
DTC 13 could also identify a possible open in CKT 981 from the ESO to the PCM or an open in CKT 339 from the ignition switch to the solenoid.