Home » ISX11.9 CM2250 - Service Manual » Cummins ISX11.9 CM2250 – Service Manual 006-026   Injector

Cummins ISX11.9 CM2250 – Service Manual 006-026   Injector

Initial Check


Use the following procedure for details on injector drain and leakage measurements. Refer to Procedure 005-236 in Section 5.


Preparatory Steps



When using a steam cleaner, wear safety glasses or a face shield, as well as protective clothing. Hot steam can cause serious personal injury.

Wear appropriate eye and face protection when using compressed air. Flying debris and dirt can cause personal injury.

Clean all fittings before disassembly. Dirt or contaminants can damage the fuel system.

Before servicing any fuel system components, (such as fuel lines, fuel pump, injectors, etc.), which would expose the fuel system or internal engine component to potential contaminants prior to disassembly, clean the fittings, mounting hardware, and the area around the component to be removed. Dirt or contaminants can be introduced into the fuel system and engine if the surrounding areas are not cleaned, resulting in damage to the fuel system and engine. Refer to Procedure 000-009 in Section 0.

Clean the injector supply line connections and mating components with contact cleaner, Part Number 3824510 or equivalent.

To prevent damage from debris and contamination, cover, cap, or plug any openings as soon as possible when servicing the fuel system.  Caps and plugs can be found in Clean Care Kit, Part Number 4919073.



Normal engine operation creates highly pressurized fuel in the fuel line which will remain in the fuel line after engine shutdown. Never open the fuel system when the engine is operating. Before servicing the fuel system, always loosen the pump to rail fuel line at the rail to vent the pressure. Keep hands clear of the line when loosening. High pressure fuel spray can penetrate the skin, resulting in serious personal injury or death.

When servicing the engine do not use the starting motor to rotate engine with a high pressure fuel system joint open.   Rotating the engine can create highly pressurized fuel in the fuel system.  High-pressure fuel spray can penetrate the skin, resulting in serious personal injury or death.

Before servicing the fuel system, loosen the pump to rail line at the rail to vent the fuel pressure.

Keep hands clear of the line when loosening the fuel rail nut.

Tighten the fuel rail nut.

Torque Value:  65  n.m  [48 ft-lb]

NOTE: A machined slot in this fitting directs the fuel spray toward the inboard side of the fuel rail.



Batteries can emit explosive gases. To reduce the possibility of personal injury, always ventilate the compartment before servicing the batteries. To reduce the possibility of arcing, remove the negative (-) battery cable first and attach the negative (-) battery cable last.




If possible, provide a work area that will not have flying debris or dust.  Gently place the removed injector(s) on a clean work table or container that has been cleaned of debris and oils. Immediately cover each injector to prevent contamination. Cover the engine if it will be left unattended to prevent contamination.

NOTE: Neighboring works areas may inadvertently contaminate your work area with debris from compressor air, air tools, or cleaning.

Disconnect the injector wire harness from the injector.


Loosen the captive capscrews securing the actuator harness to the rocker lever housing and pivot the harness toward the intake side of the engine.


Remove the injector hold-down clamp capscrew.

Remove the injector hold-down clamp and injector together.

If necessary, use a small heel-bar to pry up on the injector clamp hold-down flange (part of the injector body just above the cylinder head casting). Verify that the fuel connector(s) has been removed prior to using a heel-bar to pry up on the injector(s).

An injector, if reused, must be returned to the same cylinder from which the injector was removed. Mark or tag injectors with the cylinder number from which the injector was removed.

NOTE: It may be necessary to rotate the crankshaft a few degrees to allow for clearance between the injector and exhaust valves.


Clean and Inspect for Reuse



When using solvents, acids, or alkaline materials for cleaning, follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for use. Wear goggles and protective clothing to avoid personal injury.

Some solvents are flammable and toxic. Read the manufacturer’s instructions before using.

Do not use a steel wire brush or glass beading to clean the injectors. This will damage the nozzle holes and cause performance problems.

Clean the injector tip and body with contact cleaner, Part Number 3824510 or equivalent, and a soft, clean, and lint-free cloth.


Inspect the o-ring for damage.

Look for burrs on the inlet to the injector.

Check the nozzle holes for signs of damage, such as hole erosion or hole plugging.

Spray safety solvent on the injector body and inspect the fuel inlet passage for small cracks, which can allow high-pressure fuel to leak to the injector drain passage.

Inspect the horizontal sealing surface of the nozzle combustion shield.




NOTE: Do not remove the nozzle combustion shield unless it is damaged.

Do not use screwdrivers or other tools to pry the nozzle combustion shield from the injector tip.

Place the injector in a vise with brass clamp plates.

The nozzle combustion shield is pressed onto the tip of the injector.

Grip the nozzle combustion shield at the injector tip end with pliers and twist to remove the shield from the tip of the injector. Use care not to damage the injector tip during removal.




Place the injector in a vise with brass clamp plates.

Place a 12 mm [ ½ in] socket over the nozzle combustion shield.

Tap the socket with a rubber hammer until the shield is flush with the shoulder of the injector.

Use care not to damage the injector tip during installation.




Record the injector trim codes that are listed on each injector.

Record the cylinder location where each injector will be installed.

NOTE: The injector trim codes are 9-digit alphanumeric codes, located on the solenoid at the top of the injector.

NOTE: There are two different injector hold-down clamps, front bank and rear bank. The cylinder head has a locating hole at each cylinder that is designed to accept the alignment feature for the injector hold-down clamp.


Make sure the injector bore is clean.

Align the notch in the injector with the tab on the injector hold-down clamp.

Place the injector and hold-down clamp in the cylinder head in the proper orientation (fuel inlet toward the high-pressure fuel connector).

Push down on the injector hold-down clamp near the injector to make sure the injector is properly seated.


NOTE: If a new injector is being installed, a new fuel connector must also be used.

Start the injector hold-down clamp capscrew, but do not tighten.

Align the fuel connector guide pin with the slot in the cylinder head at the 12-o’clock position. To prevent damage to the fuel connector, push downward on the threaded end of the fuel connector, to lift the fuel connector tip and help the connector tip seat properly against the injector.

Install the high-pressure fuel connector, making sure the end of the high-pressure fuel connector is in the injector inlet port.


Tighten the injector hold-down clamp capscrew.

NOTE: This is not the final torque for the injector hold-down clamp.

Torque Value:  20  n.m  [177 in-lb]

Lubricate the threads on the fuel connector retaining nut with clean engine oil.

Start the high-pressure fuel connector retaining nut and tighten partially.

Torque Value:  20  n.m  [177 in-lb]

NOTE: This is not the final torque for the high-pressure fuel connector retaining nut.


Tighten the injector hold-down clamp capscrew.

Torque Value:  65  n.m  [48 ft-lb]

Tighten the high-pressure fuel connector retaining nut.

Torque Value:  77  n.m  [57 ft-lb]


Finishing Steps


Trim Code Installation Instructions: INSITE™ 7.3 Feature Pack 1 and Newer

  • Connect INSITE™ electronic service tool to the ECM.
  • Select “Advanced ECM Data”
  • Select “High-Pressure Common Rail Injector Setup”
  • Read the information listed under the “High Pressure Common Rail Injector Setup” and “Instructions” headings.

  • Click on the “New Bar Code” section for the respective cylinder and enter the new bar code.
  • After all the injector trim information is entered, select “Apply”. Turn the Keyswitch OFF, then press the “OK” button to send the new barcode(s) to the ECM.

  • After INSITE™ electronic service tool reconnects with the ECM, verify that the “Barcode State” = “Set” and the “Change Status” = “Success”.

If “Change Status” = “Error Ocurred”, “Invalid Barcode”, Invalid Cylinder Number”, or “Duplicate Barcode”, check for the following:

  • Verify the correct injector trim code was recorded from the injector.
  • Re-enter the trim codes.

Clear all inactive fault codes.


Trim Code Installation Instructions: Pre-INSITE™ 7.3 Feature Pack 1

  • Connect INSITE™ electronic service tool to the ECM.
  • Select “Features and Parameters”.
  • Select “High Pressure Common Rail Injector Setup”.
  • Expand Each Cylinder (Cylinder 1, Cylinder 2, etc.)

Double click on the ECM value next to “Injector Barcode”. Enter the injector trim information for the cylinder in which the injector will be installed.

NOTE: The alpha characters of the injector trim code must be entered in capital letters.

After all the injector trim information is entered, right click on the screen and select “Send To”, then “ECM”. Follow the in-screen instructions.


After INSITE™ electronic service tool reconnects with the ECM, verify that the “Barcode State” = “Set” and “Change Status” = “Success”.If “Barcode State” = “Not Set” and/or “Change Status” = “Unsuccessful”, check the following:

  • Verify the correct injector trim code was recorded from the injector.
  • Re-enter the trim codes.
  • Re-enter the trim codes with the alpha characters in all capital letters.

Clear all inactive faults.



Batteries can emit explosive gases. To avoid personal injury, always ventilate the compartment before servicing the batteries. To avoid arcing, remove the negative (-) battery cable first and attach the negative (-) battery cable last.

Last Modified:  12-Aug-2010