Batteries can emit explosive gases. To reduce the possibility of personal injury, always ventilate the compartment before servicing the batteries. To reduce the possibility of arcing, remove the negative (-) battery cable first and attach the negative (-) battery cable last.
Do not remove the pressure cap from a hot engine. Wait until the coolant temperature is below 50°C [120°F] before removing the pressure cap. Heated coolant spray or steam can cause personal injury.
Coolant is toxic. Keep away from children and pets. If not reused, dispose of in accordance with local environmental regulations.
Disconnect the batteries. Refer to the OEM service manual.
This component or assembly weighs greater than 23 kg [50 lb]. To prevent serious personal injury, be sure to have assistance or use appropriate lifting equipment to lift this component or assembly.
Install cylinder head lifting bracket, Part Number 4919361. Use the eight M10 capscrews that are included in the cylinder head lifting fixture kit, Part Number 4919360.
This component or assembly weighs greater than 23 kg [50 lb]. To prevent serious personal injury, be sure to have assistance or use appropriate lifting equipment to lift this component or assembly.
Place the cylinder head on wood blocks to prevent damage to the combustion face.
Immediately upon removal of the cylinder head, plugs must be installed into all of the oil passage drillings in both the cylinder head and the cylinder block. The plugs are necessary to prevent debris from entering the lubricating system during the repair. Failure to insert oil passage plugs can result in connecting rod bearing failure, crankshaft failure, or both.
Use a hoist or hydraulic arm to remove the cylinder head.
Remove the cylinder head gasket.
Reusable plugs, Part Number 4089255, are included in the master plug kit, Part Number 4918319.
Install the plugs in the cylinder block and cylinder head oil drillings.
When using solvents, acids, or alkaline materials for cleaning, follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for use. Wear goggles and protective clothing to reduce the possibility of personal injury.
Wear appropriate eye and face protection when using compressed air. Flying debris and dirt can cause personal injury.
Use a gasket scraper to clean the cylinder block deck surface.
Use Scotch-Brite™ 7448 abrasive pad, Part Number 3823258 or equivalent, and solvent to remove any residual gasket material from the cylinder block deck surface.
Use a chip vacuum to make sure the cylinder head capscrew holes are clean and free of debris, oil, and coolant.
Do not use power tools to clean the cylinder block head deck.
When using solvents, acids, or alkaline materials for cleaning, follow the manufacturer’s recommendation for use. Wear goggles and protective clothing to reduce the possibility of personal injury.
Use Scotch-Brite™ 7448 abrasive pad, Part Number 3823258 or equivalent, and solvent to clean the cylinder head combustion face.
Clean the exhaust manifold and intake manifold gasket surfaces.
If a drop of fuel drips or runs down the face of the cylinder head within 30 seconds, the exhaust valves and the seats must be resurfaced.
If a drop of fuel has not run down the face of the cylinder head in 30 seconds, the exhaust valves are acceptable.
Repeat the process for all six cylinders.
Flip the cylinder head over and set it down with the intake ports facing up. Secure the cylinder head to prevent it from tipping over, due to the thinner intake face.
Use the vacuum tester, Part Number ST-1257, to inspect the seal between the valve and the valve seat.
The valve vacuum tester is not recommended for use on used cylinder heads. See the Leak Test section of this procedure for the recommended procedure to check used cylinder heads.
The valve vacuum tester can be used to test all Cummins® engine models. The seal ring, Part Number ST-1257-35, and vacuum cup, Part Number 3376100, are used on the ISX11.9 cylinder heads.
If the elapsed time is less than 10 seconds, perform the following checks:
Repeat the test to be sure the equipment is operating properly.
Use a mallet to hit the valve stem lightly to make sure the valve is seated. Repeat the test.
Apply a thin layer of grease on the outside diameters of the insert and the valve head. Repeat the test. The grease pattern will show the point of leakage.
A break in the grease seal pattern will indicate leakage between the valves and valve seat or the valve seat insert and the cylinder head.
NOTE: Injector sleeves are not serviceable. Special tools and precision machining are required to replace the injector sleeves. If Cummins Inc. approved tools and procedures are not available to replace the injector sleeves, the cylinder head must be replaced.
Perform the coolant passage pressure test to determine if there is an injector sleeve leak. Use the Pressure Test section of this procedure to perform the pressure test. Replace the cylinder head if any of the injector sleeves leak.
Valve springs are under tension and can act as projectiles if improperly released. To reduce the possibility of eye injury, wear safety glasses with side shields. Before releasing the valve spring tension, check that the collets are properly seated.
Do not use an impact tool for any part of this procedure. Doing so can damage the tool and/or the engine.
Use the four valve spring compressor, Part Number 3163940, to compress the valve springs.
The forcing capscrew pilots into the injector bore and is secured to a mounting plate attached at the injector hold down clamp screw hole.
Install a wood block between the valves and head holding fixture to support the valves.
Secure the mounting plate (1) with the larger hole over the injector bore, such that the mounting plate capscrew hole is over the injector hold down clamp capscrew hole. Install the mounting plate capscrew into the injector hold clamp capscrew hole.
The side of the retainer plate with the larger diameter chamfers faces down to accommodate the valve springs. Failure to position the retainer plate properly can result in damage to the engine and/or tool.
Position the compressor plate (2) over the forcing capscrew and onto the valve springs.
Prior to removing the valve guides, measure and record the valve guide inside diameter and height. Use the Clean and Inspect for Reuse section of this procedure.
Prior to removing the valve seat inserts, see the Leak Test and the Inspect for Reuse sections of this procedure. The condition of the valve, the amount of recess, and the sealing of the valve on the seat insert all help determine whether or not a seat insert needs to be replaced.
Use slide hammer assembly, Part Number 3376616, and valve seat extractor, Part Number 3376146, to remove the valve seat inserts from the cylinder head.
When using solvents, acids, or alkaline materials for cleaning, follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for use. Wear goggles and protective clothing to reduce the possibility of personal injury.
Wear appropriate eye and face protection when using compressed air. Flying debris and dirt can cause personal injury.
Use a wire brush and solvent to clean the deposits from the valve seat insert bores.
When using solvents, acids, or alkaline materials for cleaning, follow the manufacturer’s recommendation for use. Wear goggles and protective clothing to reduce the possibility of personal injury.
Do not use caustic or acid solutions to clean the cylinder head capscrews to avoid damage to cylinder head capscrews.
Clean the cylinder head capscrews with a petroleum-based solvent.
Clean the capscrews thoroughly with a wire brush, a wire wheel (soft), or a nonabrasive bead blast to remove deposits from the shank and threads. Use care so as not to remove the silver colored coating.
The capscrew can be checked using a set of calipers. The maximum allowable free length is measured from the bottom of the flange to the end of the capscrew (dimension X).
Cylinder Head Capscrew Free Length (M15 Hexagon Head)
NOTE: M10 hexagon head capscrew measurements are not required.
Do not pressure-test the cylinder head with the valves and valve springs installed. Water entering the cylinder head can not be dried thoroughly and will damage the valve guides and valve stems.
Install cylinder head water test fixture, Part Number 4919065.
Install gaskets, Part Numbers 4919068 and 4919069
Install upper test plate, Part Number 4919066
Install lower test plate, Part Number 4919067
Install the 20 capscrews and nuts included with kit, Part Number 4919065.
This component or assembly weighs greater than 23 kg [50 lb]. To prevent serious personal injury, be sure to have assistance or use appropriate lifting equipment to lift this component or assembly.
Connect a regulated air supply hose to the test fixture plate. Apply air pressure.
Pressure Test Air Pressure
Use a nylon lifting strap and a hoist to place the cylinder head in a tank of heated water.
Completely submerge the cylinder head in the water.
If air bubbles are seen from the casting or injector cup area, the cylinder head must be replaced. If air bubbles are seen from permanent assembly components, such as cup plugs, the cylinder head can be repaired.
If a crack is found in the cylinder head, preserve the cylinder head with clean engine oil so that rust does not develop.
If the source of the air bubbles are coming from a cast portion of the cylinder head or injector cup area, the cylinder head must be replaced.
If the source of the air bubbles are from permanent assembly components, such as cup plugs, the cylinder head can be repaired.
Use the magnetic particle residual method to inspect the valves for cracks.
The exhaust valves contain two types of metal and must be inspected by the coil shot method. There will be a magnetic leakage apparent at the point where the two metals are welded together. The leakage will appear as a wide pattern of magnetic particles.
Magnetize the valves in a coil of 100 to 200 amperes.
The intake valves contain only one type of metal and must be magnetized and inspected in two directions. Use the Magnaglo® coil method and inspect with residual Magnaglo®, the same as for the exhaust valves.
Magnetize the intake valves again with a headshot at 500 to 700 amperes.
When using solvents, acids, or alkaline materials for cleaning, follow the manufacturer’s recommendation for use. Wear goggles and protective clothing to reduce the possibility of personal injury.
Some solvents are flammable and toxic. Read the manufacturer’s instructions before using.
Wear appropriate eye and face protection when using compressed air. Flying debris and dirt can cause personal injury.
Remove all magnetism and use solvent to clean the cylinder head.
Dry with compressed air.
The cylinder head must be thoroughly cleaned after using the magnetic crack detector to remove all of the iron fragments.
Use vacuum tester, Part Number ST-1257, with vacuum cup, Part Number 3376100, to vacuum test the valve seating. See the Vacuum Test section in this procedure.
Install cylinder head lifting bracket, Part Number 4919361, using the eight M10 capscrews that are included in the cylinder head lifting fixture kit, Part Number 4919360.
Before the cylinder head is assembled onto the block, all oil passage plugs must be removed. Failure to remove the oil plugs will result in extensive engine damage.
Remove the oil plugs and/or tape from the cylinder head and the cylinder block.
This component or assembly weighs greater than 23 kg [50 lb]. To prevent serious personal injury, be sure to have assistance or use appropriate lifting equipment to lift this component or assembly.
Do not drop the cylinder head on the cylinder head gasket. The gasket material can be damaged.
Install the cylinder head gasket.
Use a hoist or hydraulic arm and install the cylinder head.
Batteries can emit explosive gases. To reduce the possibility of personal injury, always ventilate the compartment before servicing the batteries. To reduce the possibility of arcing, remove the negative (-) battery cable first and attach the negative (-) battery cable last.